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Neuro-Ophthalmology Illustrated de Valerie Biousse,Nancy J. Newman

Descripción - Críticas Overall, the book is well written and easy to read. The basic points of each topic are concisely explained with the salient facts and illustrated with clear, thoughtful, well-placed, and appropriately labeled images, tables, and figures. -- Journal of Neuro-Ophthalmology The authors have excelled in making this book a wonderful teaching tool for a broad audience...This is a truly wonderful addition to any medical library. -- Doody's Review (starred review) Reseña del editor First prize from the 2016 BMA Medical Book Awards for Neurology Honorable mention from the 2017 PROSE Awards for Textbook/Clinical Medicine Neuro-Ophthalmology Illustrated, Second Edition, is an up-to-date, beautifully illustrated text that guides readers in recognizing signs and symptoms, localizing pathology, developing a differential diagnosis, and selecting a management strategy. The content in this new edition reflects the most recent advances in neuro-ophthalmology. Key Features: Includes more than 900 full-color images, line drawings, and charts that help readers understand these complex conditions Written by two of the most prominent neuro-ophthalmologists in the world, with a combined 40 years of teaching experience Offers step-by-step guidance on performing examinations and covers disorders of the visual afferent system, the pupil, ocular motor efferent systems, and the orbit and lid This second edition of Neuro-Ophthalmology Illustrated is a handy reference for ophthalmologists, neurologists, and neurosurgeons as well as an ideal resource for residents preparing to take board examinations in these specialties. Contraportada Praise for the previous edition:The amalgamation of so much good information with suchgood pictures under one cover is a triumph. Novices will learn pleasurably fromthe succinct text and apt illustrations. The cognoscenti will marvel athow masterfully this book has been put together.--

Journal of Neuro-OphthalmologyIt is a gem of a work that each component of the targetaudience will find extremely useful.

American Journal of OphthalmologyNeuro-Ophthalmology Illustrated, SecondEdition, is an up-to-date, beautifully illustrated text that guidesreaders in recognizing signs and symptoms, localizing pathology, developing adifferential diagnosis, and selecting a management strategy. The content in thisnew edition reflects the most recent advances in neuro-ophthalmology.KeyFeatures:Includes more than 900 full-color images, line drawings, andcharts that help readers understand these complexconditionsWritten by two of the most prominent neuro-ophthalmologistsin the world, with a combined 40 years of teaching experience Offersstep-by-step guidance on performing examinations and covers disorders of thevisual afferent system, the pupil, ocular motor efferent systems, and the orbitand lidThis second edition of Neuro-OphthalmologyIllustrated is a handyreference for ophthalmologists, neurologists, and neurosurgeons as well as anideal resource for residents preparing to take board examinations in thesespecialties. Biografía del autor Professor of Ophthalmology and Neurology, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA, USA

Detalles del Libro

  • Name: Neuro-Ophthalmology Illustrated
  • Autor: Valerie Biousse,Nancy J. Newman
  • Categoria: Libros,Ciencias, tecnología y medicina,Medicina
  • Tamaño del archivo: 11 MB
  • Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
  • Idioma: Español
  • Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE

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